Lab Notes 9/3/12

I enjoyed the three-day Labor Day weekend by spending some time with the family, some time with the computer, and some time in the workshop.

In the garage, I packed up some boxes. I'm going to convert part of the garage into a real honest-to-gosh workshop by building a partition wall and my first order of business is to get everything that's currently littering up the place out of the way. I'm making progress by emptying a flat surface into boxes, then dismantling the workbench/shelf/table/whatever to ensure that I don't just move stuff around and fill it back up. It's still averaging well into the nineties each day here in Dallas, so I'm not too terribly motivated to spend much time out there.

At the computer, I spent more time figuring out how to set up the ARM GCC cross-compiler and Eclipse as a free open-source development environment for working on the STM32F0DISCOVERY board. I'm drafting what's apparently going to be quite a lengthy tutorial, but will hopefully explain each step along the road to getting things working so that visitors can understand the problems encountered and how to solve them.

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